Class 12, NEET, IIT Chemistry Chapter 6

Unit 6 General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
Occurrence of Metals, Concentration of Ores, Extraction of Crude Metal from Concentrated Ore, Thermodynamic Principles of Metallurgy, Electrochemical Principles of Metallurgy, Oxidation Reduction, Refining, Uses of Aluminium, Copper, Zinc and Iron.
Matallurgy (English Medium)
12_ Matallurgy_1_Exercise_1
12_ Matallurgy_2_ Old_Exam_Questions
12_ Matallurgy_3_ Follow_Sheets
Nucleophilic Reaction_Carbonyl_Compound (English Medium)
14_ Nucleophilic Reaction_1_Exercise_1
14_ Nucleophilic Reaction_2_ Old_Exam_Questions
Electrophilic_Reaction_alkene_alkyne(English Medium)
12_ Electrophilic_Reaction_1_Exercise_1
12_ Electrophilic_Reaction_2_ Old_Exam_Questions
एकक 6 तत्वों के निष्कर्षण के सिद्धांत एवं प्रक्रम,
धातु की प्राप्ति, अयस्कों का सांद्रण, सांद्रित अयस्कों से अशोधित धातुओं का निष्कर्षण, धातुकर्मिकी के उष्मागतिकी सिद्धांत, धातुकर्म का वैद्युतरसायन सिद्धांत, आक्सीकरण अपचयन, शोधन,ऐलुमिनियम, कॉपर, ज़िक तथा लोहे के उपयोग ।
Matallurgy (Hindi Medium)
12_ Matallurgy_1_Exercise_1
12_ Matallurgy_2_ Old_Exam_Questions
12_ Matallurgy_3_ Follow_Sheets
Nucleophilic Reaction_Carbonyl_Compound (Hindi Medium)
14_ Nucleophilic Reaction_1_Exercise_1
14_ Nucleophilic Reaction_2_ Old_Exam_Questions
Electrophilic_Reaction_alkene_alkyne(Hindi Medium)
12_ Electrophilic_Reaction_1_Exercise_1
12_ Electrophilic_Reaction_2_ Old_Exam_Questions


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